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“Focus, Simplicity and Speed”

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“supporting the China Blue Sky Action Plan through major global Energy, Infrastructure and Agri-Aquaculture operations and developments, focusing on Sustainable Development Goals”

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“GSEG is committed to seeking harmonious co-existence between business and nature, as well as sustainable growth of enterprise, employees and the whole community”

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“partnered with China State Owned Enterprises and world-class Strategic Alliance Partners”

Golden Sky Energy Group (GSEG)

Golden Sky Energy Group (GSEG) is a vertically integrated multinational conglomerate, with a highly experienced international leadership and management team.

The GSEG mission is to structure major capital project opportunities within the following business sectors; agri-aquaculture, healthcare, energy, infrastructure, commodities trading and finance.

The GSEG Core Business Model

The GSEG Core Business Model is to identify, evaluate and secure world-class major capital project opportunities.

GSEG based on its expertise will propose and structure the most efficient Business Structure for each project opportunity, including financial resources, and establishing a coalition of local, national and international stakeholders to support these projects into full developments.

For programmes or projects implementation GSEG provides the overall project ownership and management, combined with all the necessary financial and technical resources both directly and with Strategic Alliance partners via Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs).

GSEG also creates Strategic Joint Venture Companies with recognised leading international partners, deploying GSEG’s unique global relationships and expertise to unlock the full potential value of the identified projects for the benefit of society and enterprises.

GSEG is presently in varying stages of negotiations with a number of leading international companies for projects implementation and to form Joint Ventures in all our strategic business sectors.

Our Agri-Aquaculture Joint Venture Company – GSAAG


Agri-Aquacultural products globally from own Production and Partners
To Africa, Asia Pacific, CIS and Middle East

Key Production Capacity Facts 2021
Grains:   7.5 million MT
Animal Proteins:   1.1 million MT

Key Production Capacity Facts 2025
Grains:   40.1 million MT
Animal Proteins:   7.9 million MT



Golden Sky Energy Group’s Joint Venture Shipping Company

The global shipping of commodities to our clients is provided by GSEG