Golden Sky Energy Group (GSEG)


A new corporate entity, Golden Sky Energy Group (GSEG), was developed from November 2018 and formally launched in November 2019 to consolidate all past business activities into one holding company and to create a new corporate branding to reflect the renewed focus on Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Global Climate Sustainability, through major agri-aquaculture, healthcare, energy, infrastructure, commodities trading and finance developments and operations.

GSEG is developing into a vertically integrated multinational conglomerate, with a highly experienced international leadership and management team. GSEG is actively engaged in a wide range of global industrial sectors. The registered Head Office and Management of Control is in Bermuda, with the principal operational offices in Hong Kong (China), London (UK) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

The GSEG core Business Model is to identify, evaluate, propose and structure the most efficient Business Model to secure world-class major capital project opportunities.

GSEG’s typical business models include project implementation via GSEG leadership or Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs); and via Strategic Joint Ventures Companies.

“developing into a vertically integrated multinational conglomerate”


GSEG has an established near term funding strategy and longer term through the creation of the Golden Sky Investment Fund (GSIF). The wider strategy includes the ability  to secure Asset Management Company (AMC) and Private Fund Management (PFM) Licenses to enable participation in the PRC and global distressed assets and non performing loans markets and fund management activities.


GSEG structures and implements infrastructure developments, both directly and indirectly, to support all our strategic business sectors. This capability allows GSEG to provide full spectrum solutions in all business areas. For example from gas in the reservoir, to gas processing, transportation and distribution to our clients, fuelling and building their everyday lives.

Commodities Trading

GSEG has secured agreements with state owned and private refineries, LNG receiving terminals and state owned commodities trading companies, for the direct import of crude oil and LNG, on both a short and long term basis. On the supply side, we work directly with OPEC and non-OPEC producers. Broker supply opportunities are limited to the market leaders.


Our key focus is on gas as a multi-decade bridge to a fully sustainable renewable energy future, based on naturally replenished resources such as; sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

We have four key target supply areas of Bolivia-Peru, Iraq, Libya and USA, with full scale development programmes in place.


GSEG is uniquely placed in the PRC, with special representation within the highest level of the healthcare sector. This provides an exceptional opportunity for the global import and export of health sector knowledge, best practice, systems, goods, services and intellectual property.


Launched in June 2020, GSEG’s majority owned joint venture, GSAAG, has a clear vision to become one of the top 5 players in the China Food Business and a best in class global agribusiness, which is focused on sustainable production, related developments and maintaining global food security.